
Perpetuate high standards of camping and scouting at Camp Wolfeboro.
Advise and assist new Scouts and make their stay at camp a happy one.
Promote good fellowship and sportsmanship in all activities.
Initiate and complete such projects that will make Wolfeboro a better camp.
Assist in receiving and conducting visitors about camp.
Encourage camping at Wolfeboro when at home and especially in our own units.

Drawing of Pioneer Bridge

Dear Camp Wolfeboro Pioneers, and All Friends of Camp Wolfeboro

[Please pass this information to anyone who was planning to attend Camp Wolfeboro 2020.]

The onset of COVID -19 caused the U.S. Forest Service and the Calaveras County Health Department to withhold permission to open Camp Wolfeboro this summer. The new Golden Gate Area Council, BSA, was able to arrange an alternate camping experience using the 2020 Camp Wolfeboro Staff at Camp Rancho Los Mochos, near Livermore. Alas, Alameda County has now also decided not to allow Group Camping either therefore, there will be no Camp Wolfeboro 2020 in any location. Because of these events beyond our control, there will be no way to earn Nights of Camping requirements or hold Membership Elections or Inductions this year. Please start planning your Summer 2021 Camp Wolfeboro Adventure now!

Even though we can’t be at Camp physically this summer, the Camp Wolfeboro Pioneers Organization invites you to consider some alternate ways to keep the Wolfeboro Experience alive in your hearts and Souls. These could include:

Making a Camp Wolfeboro slide show or short video and posting it on your preferred social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc...) Share it with the hashtag #campwolfeboro

Writing up a personal or Unit Camp Wolfeboro History, with or without pictures.

Organizing your Camp Buddies into an on-line Chat Group to share Camp Stories.

Reaching out to Scouts you know (or even folks who aren’t even in Scouts) who don’t go to Camp Wolfeboro and telling them what they are missing.

Showing your feelings for Camp Wolfeboro through creating art or writing poems or songs or designing a possible Camp Patch.

You may share these by sending them to wolfeboropioneer@gmail.com and we will try to get them posted on the Wolfeboro Pioneer website.

Beyond these things you can do at home, there are several ways to connect with Camp Wolfeboro on-line. We invite you to visit them. These include: The Camp Wolfeboro Pioneer Website: www.campwolfeboropioneers.org The Camp

Wolfeboro Shutterfly photo posting site: https://campwolfeborocaliforniascoutsbsa.shutterfly.com/

The new Camp Wolfeboro Instagram site: https://www.instagram.com/CampWolfeboro/

There are also several Camp Wolfeboro and Camp Wolfeboro Pioneer Pages on Facebook you may wish visit as well.

And, there is still an opportunity to participate in the on-line Exploration Camp 2020where you can earn merit badges this summer with Camp Wolfeboro Staff 2020 there to guide you: https://scoutingevent.com/023-ExplorationCamp2020


The Pioneer Board is looking for a Scout from every Unit that has Pioneer members to be the Pioneer-Unit Liaison, who would keep the Unit informed as to what’s happening at Camp and what the Unit’s concerns about Camp or the Pioneers are. Please contact Board Secretary, Dave Williams for more information or to volunteer.

Photo of Wolfeboro sign
Photo of Round Signs

Wolfeboro in the News


Welcome to the Wolfeboro Pioneers website. This is a work in progress. Please excuse us if you have some problems with the site, just let Norman Gee know by clicking on his name and we'll get it fixed for you. You will find information on the Pioneers as well as information on Camp Wolfeboro. On the Gallery page you can take a virtual tour of Camp Wolfeboro. We welcome your input and ideas for ways to make this site more useful for you! If you have any questions or would like to see something different, please use the form in the Pioneers tab to contact us.